Breaking Free from Traditional Landscape
A Master's in Photography from Wayne State University in May of 2007 would help transform my vision. With the help of many instructors, I was able to break free from fine art landscape and delve into vacant lots, warehouses and dilapidated structures of yesterday's consumption.
Earlier in December of 1999, I earned an Associate's Degree in Photographic Technology from Washtenaw Community College. I was active as a photography lab assistant for 3 years mixing chemistries such as Dektol, X-tol, RA-4, Blix, E-6, C-41.
In December of 1996, I received a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing from Michigan State University. I soon found myself back in Ann Arbor with a camera in my hands looking to explore my inner voice. Nature's vast landscapes and pristine wilderness would become my concentration for visual education.
I am currently involved with multiple formats of photography. I enjoy the ancient craft of traditional large format photography. Nevertheless, with the evolution and advancement of digital technology, comes a new set of results and technical challenges.
My investigations into a Master's in Photography at Wayne State University have sent me deeper into the realm of the power of visual syntax. My imagery has transformed significantly from traditional landscape to a more socially conscious agenda. In order to enhance my understanding of visual media, I have also concentrated on historical printmaking techniques such as intaglio and serigraphy.
Photography has changed the face of society forever. By observing the environment around us, we can go deeper into the meaning of life and the understanding of ourselves.